HipSCHP is group devoted to to documenting the history of Hip Santa Cruz, ca 1964-1972 or so. This site is a companion to the physical meetings, archival collections, and individual efforts that have been underway for several years.

Saturday, March 31, 2007


Dear Hips --- Many thanks to Nici for setting up this blog. It is an experiment. My time is limited, and try as I might, I have been unable to get all our stories, recorded during our seven circles so far, transcribed and posted to our website. So now it is time for each of you to write some stories and post them here. Let's make history !!!

--- rhax (ralph abraham)


The Swedish Advisor said...

Nici...maybe Ralph could email some step by step instructions to the list, to help find this blog, let alone how to add stories once found. Maybe a direct link, something.

Thanks, Dean

nicisixx said...

I'll try to work something up for the list and the story circle this weekend. -nici

bdamer said...

Yes indeed good that there is a blog established! Great way to capture all of this if we are all avid writers that is!

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to MacFarlane's coffee candies? When did they close down?

Anonymous said...

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